Workforce Management Systems for the Mining Industry

Vahishta Mistry
January 13, 2023
5 mins to read
Mining workers carrying out blasting at a mine site, to break through rock

A workforce management system is a set of tools and processes used to optimize the utilization of labor in an organization. By implementing a workforce management system in the mining industry, operations managers can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and improve overall performance.

Setting Up A Workforce Management System For Existing Ops

For mines that are already in operation and need to optimize their workforce by implementing a workforce management system, consider the following strategies:

  1. Analyze existing labor utilization: The first step in implementing a workforce management system is to understand the current state of the organization's labor utilization. This might involve analyzing data on past labor utilization, forecasting future needs, or gathering input from relevant stakeholders. For an existing mine, this might involve reviewing data on employee attendance, turnover, and productivity to identify areas for improvement.
  2. Develop a staffing plan: Once workforce needs have been identified, operations managers should develop a staffing plan that outlines how these needs will be met. This might involve determining the number and types of specialized labor needed, such as engineers, geologists, or heavy machinery operators.
  3. Implement scheduling systems: To effectively manage the workforce, operations managers should implement scheduling systems that allow for the efficient allocation of labor. In the case of an existing mine, this might involve introducing new scheduling software or processes to improve the accuracy and efficiency of shift scheduling.
  4. Monitor and adjust: To ensure the success of the workforce management system, operations managers should regularly monitor and adjust staffing levels and schedules as needed. This might involve analyzing data on labor utilization to identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies, and implementing corrective actions such as increasing staffing levels or adjusting shift patterns.
  5. Continuously improve: A workforce management system should be an ongoing process of continuous improvement. Operations managers should regularly review and update processes and procedures to ensure that the system is effective and to identify opportunities for further improvement. For an existing mine, this might involve analyzing data on employee retention and implementing training and development programs to improve retention and productivity.

Benefits Of Setting Up A Workforce Management System:

  1. Increased efficiency: A workforce management system can automate and streamline many of the tasks associated with managing a mining workforce, such as scheduling, timekeeping, and payroll processing, which can increase efficiency and reduce the risk of errors.
  2. Better tracking of employee performance: A workforce management system can track and record important data on employee performance, such as attendance, hours worked, and productivity, which can help managers identify areas where improvements can be made and recognize high-performing employees.
  3. Improved safety: A workforce management system can help managers ensure that all employees are properly trained and certified for the tasks they are performing, which can help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries on the job.
  4. Better compliance: A workforce management system can help mining operations comply with various regulations related to labor, such as overtime and minimum wage laws, as well as safety regulations, by providing accurate and detailed records of employee hours and tasks.
  5. Cost savings: By managing the workforce more efficiently, operations can reduce time and costs associated with administrative work, and also can have better control of the expenses by having real-time access to the data, allowing to take action on reducing the costs, which will help the company to have more profitability.

By implementing a workforce management system in the mining industry, operations managers can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and improve overall performance. By analyzing existing labor utilization, developing a staffing plan, implementing scheduling systems, monitoring and adjusting as needed, and continuously improving, operations managers can effectively optimize the utilization of labor in their organization.

What's The Easiest Way To Set Up A Workforce Management System?

In order to set up a workforce management system that accomplishes the above goals, it becomes necessary to also track the number of operational data points, which is difficult when accomplished using traditional data gathering means like paper logs or spreadsheets. Using bespoke software might get the job done, but they are expensive and notoriously inflexible. Enter Grid, a no-code platform that specializes in the collection, analysis, and display of mission-critical mining data.

Grid offers an alternative approach to collecting data, through the use of streamlined forms and worksheets that can be filled in using a standard mobile device, even in remote locations with limited or no network connectivity. The information is then immediately visible on customizable dashboards, providing real-time updates. Furthermore, with Grid, you can establish all your workforce-related metrics, which will be represented by key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be easily monitored and improved.

If you'd like to see how Grid can optimize your company's workforce data, you can book a demo, or speak to a Grid expert.

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